Irini Nikolaidou


Glyfada - Athens


Profile Information:

Where are you based? (City & Country)
Athens Greece
In which role(s) do you use SF ideas and tools? (You can pick more than one)
Leader, Coach, Trainer
What is your website (if any)?
What is your connection to Solution Focused Work (based on Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer at BFTC Milwaukee and others)?
As an executive coach with HRM business background, I offered to work as a volunteer in the organising team for the implementation of the SOL summer retreat in Hydra between 17 to 21 of May 2012.
I had the opportunity to meet SF coaches and participate in their sessions and exchanging ideas and best practices at the same time.
Through this, I found myself extremely interested and after Regina's Reinhardt invitation to join the SOL World, here I am!

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