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Marco Matera's Comments

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At 8:51 on September 16, 2012, Julia Kalenberg said…

Hi marco - I'm really glad that you made your dream come true and produced the boomerang. Great stuff!!! And I'm happy that you called me the mother of your boomerang. Thanks. Hugs, Julia

At 20:50 on June 7, 2011, Alan Lyons said…

Seriously funny Marco - I hope you keep up your wonderful laughing!

At 12:09 on May 26, 2011, Bob Faw said…

Thanks for the potent message, Marco.

You have immense passion for life, solutions focus and, I'd imagine, everything you do.

At 10:14 on April 11, 2011, Barbara Baudissard said…

Ciao Marco,

grazie della tua telefonata. Appena ho un attimo e agenda in mano ti chiamo e vediamos e riusciamo ad incrociare le nostre strade :-)

At 9:58 on July 9, 2010, Manuela de Simone said…
Grazie Marco,
sarò felice di apprendere sempre di più sull'approccio SF, di entrare nel gruppo, condividere.. e avere te come "padrino" mi incoraggia moltissimo, specie dopo l'ultima Miracle Scaling...! Ciao!
At 6:32pm on June 06, 2010, Eva Golding gave Marco Matera a gift
At 18:06 on June 2, 2010, Luigi Gerardi said…
thanks a lot for adding me among Your friends!
You will receive soon my book Counseling in companies, great outcomes with people, by little steps>>.
Take care, Luigi
At 16:12 on May 28, 2010, Eniko Tegyi said…
Thank you, Marco,
there will be a point when I turn up:)
At 13:27 on August 27, 2009, Christine Kuch said…
Sure, would be awful to loose it ;-) Good to hear from you, hoping you're fine! Hugs, Christine
At 7:43 on May 21, 2009, David E. Weber said…
Hi, Marco, I look forward to seeing the video when it is ready.
At 18:04 on May 19, 2009, Katrien Schober said…
Hi Marco,

I already started with your suggestion today.
I made all the papers and gave them to a few teachers to try it out.
When I have the results, I'll let you know!
I'm very curious too and look forward to more suggestions....

Regards, Katrien
At 21:31 on October 16, 2008, Lina Skantze said…
Wow, really?! Sweden should be a thriving country if so ;-)
The tree is a hundrered of yaers old "care-tree" - according to swedish tradition they guard the house and its inhabitants .
At 21:49 on October 14, 2008, Paolo Terni said…
Ciao Marco,
mi cospargo il capo di cenere, ma venerdì è stata una giornata di tregenda e ho dovuto correre ai ripari per salvare un processo di consulenza in atto.
Sono i momenti in cui rimpiango di non poter sempre lavorare in modo indipendente....
fammi comunque sapere opportunità future...
mi piacerebbe comunque sentirci con calma per telefono, se mi dai l'ok ti chiamo nel weekend...
At 10:34 on September 22, 2008, Paolo Terni said…
Ottimo, ci sentiamo!
At 9:31 on September 22, 2008, Paolo Terni said…
Ciao Marco!
Grazie per la tua proposta di cena!!
Io il 10 sono a Torino tutto il giorno, ma ci possiamo provare... se ci sentiamo per telefono ad inizio di quella settimana, ti so dire quante persone vedo e quindi se riesco ad essere a MI per un'ora decente...
ciao e buona settimana!
At 18:13 on September 9, 2008, Marco Ronzani said…
Ciao Marco. Sono contento di aver trovato un'altro Marco. Saluti Marco
At 19:15 on September 8, 2008, Coert Visser said…
Hi Marco, where will you be in the netherlands?
At 11:37 on August 22, 2008, Koen Dumont said…
Hi Marco,

Your description of presence is in the line of what I feel. I feel internal resistance though with how to benchmark presence. When should I be 'present'? Intuitively, I feel presence is a deep inner quality and state (being) rather than an act (doing). So, it should be choiceless. I mean I am present at whatever situation, whether it be a nice conversation, or someone hurting me very deeply (in whatever form). If it is not choiceless, then we could be 'present' at a nice event (which we like) and 'not present' in difficult circumstances (according to our view of the world). What do you think?
At 21:33 on July 21, 2008, Varecia Hunter said…
Thanks Marco, I will do so.

Believe it or not, it is as if no one in South Africa has ever heard the about the methodology. Coaching alone is a major adjustment to the mind set here.




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