
Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations

Carin Mussmann's Comments

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At 15:46 on January 16, 2011, Widera Manuela said…
Liebe Carin, wie schön, dass Du auch wieder dabei bist! Ich freue mich sehr, Dich wiederzusehen und auf eine wunderschöne Zeit in Passugg. Liebe Grüsse Manuela
At 15:56 on August 22, 2010, Katalin Hankovszky said…
Dear Carin
Thanks for picture&comments on the summer retreat! yes, coming home >> packing for next piece of work WORKS and I pack lots of inspiration, capability to balance and small hints with me...
Thanks and Hugs
At 8:45 on June 30, 2008, Loraine Kennedy said…
Hi Carin
Thank you for your invite to this group. I attended an open space I recall at Bruges or maybe Vienna SOL and found your model of interviewing for appraisals or competences most insightful.
I provide training for some academic and non academic staff at a couple of Uk universities, hence my interest in this group.
At 8:28 on June 27, 2008, Carin Mussmann said…
Hi Mark, in the group is wonderfull. We are going to meet one part of the group in Switzerland the next days. Thanx for sharing your knowledge. I wish you a fantastic summer, by Carin
At 17:40 on June 23, 2008, Mark McKergow said…
Hi Carin

I would be pleased to try! Would you like me to do it in the group?
At 9:00 on May 27, 2008, Christine Salkeld said…
Hi Carin
It's fantastic to work with you and I enjoy it a lot. Nice to be your friend.
At 8:18 on May 17, 2008, Carin Mussmann said…
I'm waiting posting our protocol until the group has added their comments. I'm absent until June 12 and starting the discussion then. Thanx for having a look whats already working, By Carin
At 21:51 on May 16, 2008, Mark McKergow said…
Hi Carin

Welcome to the site! You might copy this to a posting in the group itself - it would probably be easier to find for those interested. Just a thought.

Cheers, Mark
At 17:08 on May 16, 2008, Petra Nickels-Lauterbach said…
Hallo Carin, ich freue mich jedesmal, Dich zu sehen! Grüße, Petra
At 16:43 on May 16, 2008, Carin Mussmann said…
SOL Conference May 11th 2008
Bringing SF into lecturing at University level

While even poly-technical universities are developing more and more master-studies and credit-point-systems, the students ask for more lecturing with theoretical input as part of a higher standard of education.

The question of our group is: How can we bring SF-attitudes and tools into this way of lecturing?

Our goal fort he next year is to have some examples about how we are presenting theories and models in a SF-focused way, especially in larger groups of students without possibilities of group-work in small groups.

Some inputs what is already achieved:

1. Creating a theory or model-presentation interrupted with lots of questions to transfer the theory into own practise.
2. Working with case-studies to clarify the theory.
3. Letting the students create a model of the theory.
4. Working in pairs in-between the presentation
5. Deviding the lessons into reading-time, time for questions and tutor groups for creating ideas

What we are going to do
6. Micro-tools in-between the presentation (5' discussions)
7. Giving the lesson a rhythm: 10' speech, 5' transfer, 10' question and discussion with the students
8. We are curious what will be developed

The next steps
In Switzerland an intervision-group is set up in June/July 08.
The international group with the members from Switzerland, Japan, USA, Netherland and UK is going to share how we set up our agenda for a special topic (for example change-management, leadership, organisational development). The group is connecting through internet. First step: mailings. We are going to test weather we go on with skype, google or whatever works good.

Contact persons are
Christine Salked, Basel, Switzerland,
Carin Mussmann, Zürich, Switzerland, or
At 16:32 on May 16, 2008, Carin Mussmann said…
Even before the first intervision-group for SF-attitudes and tools in lecturing in Switzerland is born, a first internationalmeeting took place at the SOL-Conference in Köln. We had half an hour time to share our experiences and ideas. I’m glad we met and I’m looking forward how the sharing is going on. The group came together from many countries: Japan (two nice guys), USA (Dave), Netherlands (Marianne), UK (Nicole) and Switzerland (Christine and I).

I tried to fix what I took with me from this meeting in a short protocol. It's a word document and we are letting you know, when everybody of the group read it. It’s a fantastic opportunity for learning by doing and getting responses.

If you are interested, you might join the group




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Making the most of

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Open Space at SOLworld conferences

SOLworld Open Space instructions as it was used at the 2011 conference, by Mark McKergow


Created by Katalin Hankovszky Dec 30, 2015 at 10:18pm. Last updated by Katalin Hankovszky Dec 30, 2015.

SOLWorld Resources

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Created by Mark McKergow May 12, 2008 at 4:08pm. Last updated by Mark McKergow Dec 2, 2022.

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