
Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations

Solution focused practice wiki project

I'm looking at ways to generate an solution focused practice or solution focused approaches wikipedia page. This will look at solution focused approaches in other contexts outside therapy. There are a number of UKASFP members planning on setting up a virtual openspace possibly on the 31st July between 10am and 4pm UK time (to be confirmed very soon).. I will provide links to the virtual meeting places and sort out any technical issues beforehand.
The idea is to have a minimal agenda apart from a blank wiki page into which we will develop the content through the virtual collaboration. Please reply if you are interested, I know we have already had a few people showing interest in the wiki development and I hope this approach allows them to get involved. What I would like in preparation is a range of ideas and content people would consider important on a solution focused practice wikipedia page, my focus will be on working with the wiki community to allow us to get the page accepted. I look forward to hearing from you... Carl

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Comment by Hans-Peter Korn on June 25, 2009 at 14:01
Hi Carl,
Well, "to get a live wiki article up and running without deletion from the wiki community" in my experince might be a too big (and frustrating) step.
I experienced, that as a first step a draft in a personal "user area" (like I have done it with will work better. And together with this step you should ask one of the "wikipedia-mentors" to have an eye on this draft to check, how the draft is in line with the wikipedia policy.
Comment by Carl Plant on June 25, 2009 at 9:50
Thank you Hans-Peter, I hope we can begin an organic process, the first step would be to get a live wiki article up and running without deletion from the wiki community and then invite people to add and edit over time.

Any help or support on the wiki project day would be valuable.

Comment by Hans-Peter Korn on June 25, 2009 at 9:20
Maybe you can have a look at:

I provided this chapters:

1 Grundprinzipien
* 1.1 Lösungsfokussierung geht davon aus, dass:[2]
* 1.2 Die drei Grundprinzipien der Lösungsfokussierung
* 1.3 Die sechs Merksätze zur lösungsfokussierten "Einfachheit" ("Simplicity")

And since more than one year (!!!) this draft is available for change requests / contributions from others:

I am sorry to recognise, that until now no change requests / contributions from others are coming....

Maybe you have more success with an English version...




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Created by Hans-Peter Korn Dec 25, 2009 at 10:25am. Last updated by Mark McKergow Nov 3, 2014.

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