
Sharing and building Solution Focused practice in organisations

The SOL2012 Experience Begins - With A Very Small Miracle

As I look from my bedroom high over the magnificent quadrangle of Keble College, the signs are promising for a good day at the SOL2012 conference. 

Yesterday afternoon, 30 people gathered at Science Oxford for our pre-conference and enthusiastically learned our 12 Things You Need To Know about Solutions Focus.  They asked some great questions, which we can track through the conference, such as how much can one embrace SF in our personal lives, and does the methodology allow for quantum breakthrough thinking.  (Lots and Yes, in my view).

We then welcomed about 140 of our 200 participants, and spread out to four pubs around Oxford for food and beer.  I'm not sure exactly how much I drank, but I had difficulty finding the third pub on the tour.

And so the very small miracle this morning is how I feel hardly any hangover at all.  Ready for a traditional breakfast in the Harry Potter-style dining hall, in fact, and then a full day of interesting learning and networking at the conference.

Cheers, Paul.

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Comment by Paul Z Jackson on September 8, 2012 at 22:20

Thanks Hugo - it's been good connecting with you at this conference.

Comment by Hugo Neuhaus-Gétaz on September 8, 2012 at 14:19

Thanks You

The Pre-conference was very good. For my it was a usefull preparation (language ;-)) for the meeting. 

Now in this 3 days a get a lot of new ideas and energies to go on the next step. 

Thank You. 





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